Mrach 5, 2022

Like the wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of OZ, the witch(es) are melting. The people around the world are fighting back for their God-given Freedoms—Canada, USA, Australia New Zealand—even the truckers are on caravan, saying to the oppressive governments—we have had enough!

After two years of lockdown and loss of God-given rights, the Pandemic is over. We don’t have to wear mask anymore for a COVID-19 virus. It appears the flying monkeys are about to fly away across the moon.

During this crazy, tyrannical time I have been driving up and down the west coast from Baja California to Washington state, and back down again. At first, I thought I was looking for a new home. But, soon it was revealed to me that I was connecting with the ancient land of Lemuria.

This area—California, Baja California, Oregon and Washington—is the only terrestrial part of it left on planet Earth. The rest is submerged under the sea, and has been long forgotten. Mention of Lumeria was taken out of the history books. Fortunately, truth can not be suppressed, and the attempt to hide this ancient civilization is on the wane.

The Legend of Lemuria is one of an ancient lost civilization which existed prior to the time of Atlantis. The Lemurian people were both highly evolved and very spiritual. The holy people, or prophets, of the time realized that something was changing—the Earth was preparing to go through a very dramatic shift. The shift that they were referring to was the Great Flood.

As I drove through what remains of the magical land of Lumuria—the lush green foliage of the giant redwoods that still stand—I marveled at their grandeur and beauty. At the top of California is the mystical, isolated, white glistening peak—Mount Shasta. Many report seeing ETs land on Mount Shasta.

When I got to Washington, I drove through one of the forgotten rain forests located in the Pacific Northwest. Many think rain forests only exist in the tropics, but that is not so. In Lumeria, forests comprised of trees found in temperate climates flourished in the moist environment.

Lumerians were very much in touch with the land. To prepare for the great cataclysm, they embedded their culture and teachings into living crystals, and began spreading them upon the Earth—within the cells of human bodies. This would then protect the information and technologies from being forgotten.

We have no awareness of this information in our DNA because we have been put into an oblivious, deep sleep. Most, but not all, do not even know that their actions are those of people who are sleep walking.

In our DNA, a moment in time has been selected for these lost memories of the magic of living things that are all but forgotten, to be resurrected. Erased from the history books, they are still imprinted in our DNA—our heritage from the land of Lumeria.

It is time to awaken! Many have already done so, and are doing things differently to bring in the NEW Earth that awaits us. To be sure, many of our families and friends will think we are crazy, conspiracy theorists, or Extraterrestrials passing as a human. Many of those who scoff will live out their entire lives still in the old third dimension, and never set foot into the new fifth dimensional Earth.

The Lemurians understood that, unlike before, the ‘flood and earthquake’ of the future was not going to happen on the outside world. It would happen within individuals. It would be each individual’s internal earthquake, the crumbling of third dimensional belief systems that no longer serve. Consequently, the destruction we are now experiencing signifies the end of the cycle called the third dimension.

Close you eyes, smile. Know that no matter how bad things look and feel, we can keep walking though the darkness, remembering God has got our back for he has given us the DNA CODES within our crystalline bodies. Everything else is a shadow, an illusion cast onto the ground.

But, in the new reality, we will pine for lovers.The moon will still shine brightly. It will cast love spells on those crazy enough to say, “I do,” and have children in the new Sci-Fi World. And, in the end we will look up at the moon. We will smile while our favorite Songwriters sing about the love that is to continue because—that is all there really is LOVE—LOVE ….

Many of us are now ascending into the light of the Divine, and those who want to will follow. The time of the Great Awakening is here. We will reset the world, and never forget what has just happened. Nor will we forget those who came before us during the times before the Great Flood.

Even if Evil destroys all the books, truth will never be forgotten for it lives in our DNA. It will live on in the DNA of our children. With this understanding and the ability of telepathic communication, our thoughts, like those of the Lemurians, will be our truth. The Lemurians knew to take responsibility for their thoughts, their actions and their reactions. In other words, if you sense it using any of the sixteen senses, then it is your reality.

The question now is: will you be left behind? Or are you coming to the New Awakening during the New Earth ascension where, like the iconic Beatle song, there is only one emotion—LOVE, LOVE. Is Love all there is?