January 2023

Words are powerful tools for writers. But, they are even more powerful for all of us in our daily lives. Words connect us to our families, friends and business associates. Their meaning defines how our world is perceived in each moment of our lives.

In the Bible, John 1 reads: In the Beginning was the Word. Even in antiquity people knew that “words” had powerful meaning, and that is why the woke culture is bent on changing the meaning of “words” in our culture today.

The ramifications of a word’s definition can change the world we live in. The question we should be asking is—why? Obviously, a scholar of the Bible, or those of us who went to Sunday school as children, know “words” come from our source—GOD—the creator of everything!.

In a way, it is comforting that we know that “words” have a source from where all things come, and where the reality of our very existences is created each day, both as individuals and and as a society.

Also, “Word” comes from the Greek term logos. Greek philosophers would utilize a word to identify the reasoning, thinking, or mind of the divine authority. Words were used to explain the thinking of the one using them. It is no accident that the Greeks had a highly refined culture of Art and Beauty for they knew all things come from the Gods.

Even John utilizes Logos in the first verse of his prologue in the bible, John 1:1-18 to explain Jesus’ relationship with his Father. It is so exciting to go back in time, and read these written words of wisdom to remind us how the power of our words lives well beyond our mortal lives.

The “word” also finds connection with the Hebrew word dabar which means Word of God. It appears 261 times in the Old Testament, and connects with God’s name Yahweh. It is clear that there was a great plan for the human race, and words were created by God to connect us, his creation, to Him.  Also, we can connect and interact with our Source through our words too.

Finally, In the beginning was the Word from the Bible encapsulates the the creative power of words, and how words connect us to our Creator as well as allows us the “Free Will” to create with  words. So, let us not pollute and distort our words, and make chaos and destruction on earth. Instead, let us use the gift of our words to create heaven on earth with this amazing gift from our Creator.