April 17, 2022

The Evil that is on the Earth right now must be fought, and the fight must be done by humans. BUT WE WILL NOT FIGHT ALONE for the awakening of mankind that is happening has connection to an ancient culture—one with no written records. These people were the Lemurians, and they lived before the Great Flood.

These mystical Lemurians knew that there would be a very long period of time after the Great Flood during which their teachings would be all but forgotten.

But, the Beings of Lemuria knew it was very important that the information they held be saved. Otherwise the entire history of Earth and the sacred teachings of the cosmos would be lost forever. These holy people had the ability to know many things, among which was their understanding of the wave frequency of everything in the universe—the Love Vibration.

The basic tenets of Lemuria are to believe in a benevolent higher power, to have love and respect for each other—and to love and respect the Earth. Even taught today, these convictions are the basic foundation of spirituality.

There was a knowing within every Lemurian that all life is harmonious, and that harmony comes from the heart rather than the mind. The important concepts: unity, community, awareness, centeredness, self love, respect, love of others and unconditional love all derive from the Divine Connection to the love vibration.

They also knew that for a very long period of time, their teachings, which came from the Pleiadean Twelfth Dimension, would be all but forgotten. Of course, if that happened, the entire history of Earth and the sacred teachings would be lost forever—catastrophic consequences would fall upon mankind—and Evil would prevail on Earth.

The Beings of Lemuria knew it was very important that the information they held be saved, that it be passed on to future generations—for one day the presently very dense THIRD DIMENSION will end on Earth. Then the GOD CODES—the ancient teachings would once again pass to future civilizations—to uplift mankind, and bring Earth back to the Fifth Dimension of Love and Light.

Knowing how to store information in subterranean crystals like we store information as data bits on computers, they spread the rumor before the Great Flood that their mysteries were buried deep in the Earth’s core. Believing these tales, Evil dug tunnels searching for these lost secrets to destroy them. But, the Lemurians had a different plan to protect this sacred knowledge.

Instead, they stored the sacred, vital information in plain sight—in the DNA of humans that walk among us at this very moment. These Humans are called the Awakened Psychic Children.

Lying dormant, the Lemurians’ knowledge has been stored within these souls’ DNA and cellular memory, awaiting for the divine moment to emerge. The Lemurian consciousness will not necessarily be in the form of intellectual knowledge; it will take the form of spiritual awareness and inner awakening.

These sacred keepers purposely created a way for future generations on Earth to save themselves from Evil, and follow the truth and righteousness that only comes from the Creator. In these humans, the enhanced knowledge is activating now! It will facilitate the awakening of everyday people from their deep slumber.

The Lemurians understood that human evolution was not going to happen on the outside, but rather would do so—within each individual. The knowledge from Lemuria is that we create our own reality. What we can see outside of ourselves is a reflection what we have within each of us.

There is going to be destruction…but in the end we will have this new human being—as above, so below. For example, if there is an earthquake on Earth there is also one within human beings.

With this understanding—and the knowledge that humans are following in the footsteps of the ancient Lemurians who knew that their thoughts create their reality—we humans must learn to take responsibility for our thoughts, our actions and our reactions. In this way, we can manifest from a loving heart as we go forward during this chaotic, violent fearful period of upheaval.

It is the great Time of Awakening, and the secrets of the Lemurians will guide our way. It is time to leave the Third Dimension and return back into the Fifth Dimension. It is there we will meet with other races/species not seen since the fall of Earth into the Third Dimension, and there will be Peace on Earth.