In folklore, we know that mermaids can grow legs and become human. But, did you know there was another race of humans, too—the magical Human Fairies?

It was a very long time ago that Human Fairies roamed on Earth with Humans and Mer-people. The big question is, why haven’t we heard about this race until now?

A cataclysmic event happened, and Earth dropped from the fourth dimension into the third dimension. Over the centuries, most Humans were able to adjust to this diminished collapsed existence. The Merpeople adjusted by creating vast cities under Antarctica and went deeper into Mother Earth’s magnetic fields to survive. However, the Human Fairies had magical capabilities that the other races did not and were profoundly affected by the dimensional changes.

One night, a Human Fairy astronomer found another planet in the Milky Way galaxy, one that still lived in the fourth dimension. Their magical abilities were much better suited to living in that dimension.

Saying ‘Goodbye’ to Mother Earth and some of their human fairy family members who decided to stay behind, they migrated. Merpeople friends and human friends had to be left behind. They left the now collapsed third-dimensional reality on Earth for their new home on another planet.

During the Super Blood Moon, most Human Fairies gathered at the stone monument we now call Stonehenge in the Celtic region in ancient Britain and migrated through a Fey Portal located there.